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Divorce court in a sentence

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Sentence count:22+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2022-05-29Updated:2022-05-29
Similar words: divorcedivorceedivorceddivorced mandivorce fromdivorcementbe divorced frompolice courtMeaning: n. a court having jurisdiction over the termination of marriage contracts. 
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1. The divorce court awarded custody to the child's mother.
2. The Victorians introduced plain-clothes detectives and the divorce courts.
3. I think I was destroyed long before the divorce courts.
4. You tell her from me the divorce courts are never far yonder.
5. MICKEY MOUSE and MINNIE MOUSE were in divorce court and the judge said to Mickey, "You say here that your wife is crazy."
6. It's now up to a divorce court judge to decide how much alimony the state's gay ex-governor Jim McGreevey owes his estranged wife Dina Matos.
7. The divorce court heard the couple had met over 60 years ago as Allied bombs fell on Bonn and have since raised three children together.
8. In a divorce court a woman requested the judge: "Your honor I want to divorce my husband."
8. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
9. At this rate, we could find ourselves in the divorce courts!
10. He was fixing to get rid of the first one in the divorce courts.
11. There is considerable opposition to the plan for reorganizing the divorce court.
12. Her lawyers believed that it was the highest settlement ever made in an English divorce court.
13. We hardly look askance at the miserably married or theexes who hurl epithets in divorce court.
14. Local media reports state that Bartha, the owner of the building, may have caused the collapse in a bid to avoid turning over the building to his wife,[] who he is battling in divorce court.
15. Money is the number one reason why couples fight, and it's one of the top three issues that eventually cause a couple to end up in divorce court.
16. And for those who find their fears were justified, many head straight to divorce court.
17. Only after women have been able to assert their rights in all spheres of society and culture have they been able to exert their rights in divorce court, but that is a subject for another article.
18. The woman who stops the marriage ceremony and requests the minister to omit the word "obey, " is sowing the first seed of doubt and distrust that later may come to fruition in the divorce court.
19. In the former case, she'll have a high time for a little while, ending in a divorce court or in her having a worthless young "rounder" on her hands and no money to pay the bills.
20. Jonathan Alpert, a New York-based psychotherapist, has seen many more couples living together "due to financial worries, who ordinarily would have been in a divorce court.
21. Ms. Lee had posted a message earlier this week on her account on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo microblogging service announcing that she was headed to divorce court.
22. If the prenup is signed too close to the wedding day, a divorce court judge will interpret that one of the parties was pressured into signing, Ms. Ser said.
More similar words: divorcedivorceedivorceddivorced mandivorce fromdivorcementbe divorced frompolice courtsource codesuperior courtinterstate commerce commissioninferior courtracecourseforecourtcounterforcehome courtsupreme courtprobate courtjuvenile courtappellate courtstate supreme courtcorrespondence courseivoryIvorianomnivoresurvivorherbivoreunited states supreme courtcarnivorecarnivora
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